Soizig Carey is a designer maker based in Glasgow, specialising in contemporary handmade jewellery and objects. Soizig’s jewellery practice is rooted in slow design and making, and she is conscious of the impact her work has on people and the environment. Using both ancient and new making processes, she is drawn instead towards creating modernist and long-lasting pieces. Collaboration is a very important part of her practice, in particular with women artists whose aims are thought-provoking and playful. Soizig regularly recycles and re-makes heirlooms, modernising symbolic pieces which are passed from generation to generation. If you have any special order requests or commission enquiries, please get in touch and Soizig will be happy to help.
Soizig is a Fairmined licensed jeweller and is committed to the ethical and sustainable sourcing of materials. Fairmined certified gold and silver comes from artisanal and small-scale mining organisations certified to the Fairmined standard. Fairmined is the highest level of responsible mining. This certification guarantees that the gold has been extracted in harmony with nature, human dignity and sustainable development, contributing to the transformation of lives in these small scale mining communities. Soizig also exclusively uses ethically mined or second hand gemstones and recycled precious metals, so you know where your jewellery comes from.